Karyn Harvey Trauma Certification Program

Dr. Karyn Harvey has worked as a clinician in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) for over 30 years. She has a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology from the University of Maryland. Over her years of academic and professional development including valuable experience in direct support of individuals with ID/DD, she has come to recognize that psychologically supporting people with ID/DD must recognize the role that trauma plays in their behavioral issues and address the critical elements needed for their recovery from trauma (including safety, empowerment and connection). ​

​Dr. Harvey consults with various state agencies and private organizations throughout the United States and Canada and trains staff on every level, trainers and clinicians on trauma-informed care. She has published numerous articles about therapeutic interventions for persons with ID/DD and has written two books: Positive Identity Development (including an addendum of practical Workbooks) and Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions.

Dr. Harvey's current services include (virtually or live as conditions permit) direct onsite training, keynote speaking, presentation delivery, expert panel membership, podcast participation and webinar delivery.

