Covid-19 Management and Administrative Strategies
Universal Life Stiles, LLC.In our lifetime the disability service system has not faced a crisis of such gravity that places individuals supported and those who support them at risk of serious illness or death. In this live streaming session, Tom Pomeranz addresses critical subject matter essential for managers, supervisors and administrators when assuring both the physical and emotional wellbeing of individuals supported and their staff. In this timely and informative session, Tom assesses the role of front-line supervisors, mid-level managers and Executive Management as to what action steps each need to initiate when confronting the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following represent some of the topics that will be addressed in this session:
• Approaches to maximizing relationships of trust between management and support staff to diminish their fears of COVID-19 on the job
• Quality assurance protocols to monitor compliance with COVID-19 best practice strategies
• Strategies to support the emotional and physical well-being of individuals supported and staff
• Justification for Draconian measures at this time of an imminent threat
• Management responses when staff test positive for COVID-19
• Recognizing the importance of the 5w’s - The Wise and Prudent Person Theory - as a strategy to minimize liability
• Effective communication with all stakeholders regarding issues of COVID-19 concern
• Use of situational awareness to identify non-compliance with COVID-19 policies and procedures
What You Will Learn